(ENCORE) Breakout EDU as an escape room for learning
Date & Time
Saturday, October 20, 2018, 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Breakout EDU is an immersive learning game platform which will allow you to take your students and colleagues on a journey of discovery in an “escape room” style of learning. Breakout EDU can be used as a team building exercise, a unit introduction to peak interest, unit review reward or just for fun as learners are challenged to solve problems in a specific content area. You can even use it to find out who the leaders are in your classroom are at the beginning of the year. At this session you will become a learner on a team of explorer trying to save the world (or some other grand goal) in a short 30-40 minute game. Then we will the learning platform opportunities of physical and digital games in various subject areas and how students can even build their own games. “BreakoutEdu brings the 4 Cs alive! All Breakout EDU games require critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication.”
Location Name
Room 124
Session Type
Primary, Middle, Secondary, Leadership
Empowered Teachers, Inspiring Spaces, Engaged Community