We Cracked the Code: a Kootuitui-Auckland Libraries Collaboration
Date & Time
Monday, April 16, 2018, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
This is the story of how Maker-y came about as a collaboration between Kootuitui ki Papakura (a Manaiakalani Outreach cluster of six schools in Papakura) and Auckland Libraries. Maker-y consists of two creative digital technology programmes - coding and robotics, and 3D modelling and printing. The equipment, technical support and in-class coaching is provided by Auckland Libraries in rotations of three weeks in Kootuitui schools. We will tell the story of our journey including how we met, co-constructed the programmes, tested, rolled out and have continued to iterate and develop as we go. We will share our teaching and learning resources and explain how we use Google apps and the Manaiakalani pedagogy of Learn, Create, Share. We will provide stories from students, teachers, school leaders and whaanau who have been involved in Maker-y.
Location Name
Full Address
Aorere College
Portage Road
Auckland Auckland 2025
New Zealand
Session Type
Primary, Middle, Secondary
Empowered Teachers, Engaged Community