What’s your Lagniappe?
Date & Time
Saturday, March 24, 2018, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Tinashe Blanchet
“Lagniappe” is a Creole French word, commonly used in Louisiana, that means “a little something extra”. In this keynote session, New Orleans area resident Tinashe Blanchet explains the meaning of the word, why it is important in business and careers and most importantly, how we can assess our students not only for meeting standards, but to inspire them to add a little lagniappe to their work. Teachers and leaders can plan for excellence and get students and teachers to exceed their expectations using well-written rubrics. This session will inspire participants to challenge each student to do his or her personal best.
Location Name
Cultural Arts Center (CAC)
Full Address
Carlsbad High School
3557 Monroe Street
Carlsbad, California 92008
United States
Session Type
Primary, Middle, Secondary
Empowered Teachers, Courageous Leadership