Full Name
Jill Pears
Job Title
Diamond Harbour School
Speaker Bio
Jill Pears has a wide range of experience in education. She has worked in a range of schools, primary and secondary, classroom teaching, leading Digital Technologies and in a range of management positions. Jill is currently Principal at Diamond Harbour School, Canterbury New Zealand. Jill is passionate about the ability of innovative technologies to support student success and ensure students are creators, rather than consumers of digital products. She uses hands on learning, STE(A)M contexts, design thinking and project/problem based learning. Jill has presented at a range of conferences both in New Zealand and overseas. Most recently, in 2018 Jill received a Lego Educators Award and presented at Tufts University STEM Education conference. Jill is also a doctoral student, exploring issues around the participation of girls in STEM education and careers.