Google Photos - How have you ever lived without it!
Date & Time
Friday, June 7, 2019, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Alister Payne
Are you looking for a way to organise all those amazing pictures you've taken? Then Google Photos is the tool for you! During this session, we will learn how to use Google Photos both personally and professionally in your everyday life. Come find out how you can easily use photos in your classroom and school to inspire, learn and collaborate with other educators and your own kids. (Note: This will be a hands-on session where you will be using your mobile device --tablet or phone-- to take photos but you should also bring a laptop or Chromebook so you can access your Google Photos online as well.)
Location Name
CG 15 (Mrs Lailvaux)
Session Type
Primary, Middle, Secondary
Empowered Teachers, Engaged Community