Essential ingredients for supporting literacy - personalised learning and learner agency
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Schools are more than ever seeking to harness the capabilities of technology to ensure personalised learning environments, which in turn promotes learner agency. For students struggling with the literacy, schools creating personalised learning environments are able to accommodate and support not only their learning but the learning of ALL students. At the same time, students are given to power to act on their learning, in other words they are given agency - learner agency. Over the last few years a major shift has occurred in the way technology is deployed and accessed in schools and by students. Instead of downloading and installing learning software on individual machines, schools are using cloud based learning technology, technology that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on any device by students and their teachers. Access to this technology provides the opportunity to rethink how we support the learning of all our students, particularly students struggling with literacy. Technology options now available to schools, their teachers and their students supports personalised curriculum and learner agency by providing multiple ways students can access and engage with their learning, and multiple ways to express or demonstrate understanding.
Location Name
Full Address
The King David School
517 Orrong Road
Armadale Victoria 3143
Session Type
Middle, Secondary
Student Agency, Engaged Community