Full Name
Jennifer Cronk
Job Title
Director of Technology and Information
Newburgh Enlarged City School District
Speaker Bio
Jennifer Cronk is the Director of Information and Technology for the Newburgh Enlarged City School District. She currently oversees and strategically launches innovative instructional practices in her district. Jennifer began her career over twenty-two years ago as a computer teacher and has pursued the fusion of pedagogy and technology ever since. Jennifer presents nationally at conferences, facilitates workshops on integrating instructional technology and assistive technologies into learning. She is a Google Certified Innovator, Google for Education Trainer and certified G-Suite Admin. Also, Jennifer is a NYS certified: administrator, English teacher, elementary teacher, and educational technology specialist. While pursuing further certifications in Assistive Technology, she also blogs about digital parenting, assistive technology, special education, and professional development at www.transparentlyteaching.com and is the host of the Podcast “Assist Learning” that focuses on the uses of technology for special education
Resource Page
Jennifer Cronk