Google Certified Educator Exam Details
  • Cost of Google Certified Education Level 2 exam is $25 USD, Level 1 exam is $10 USD
  • Once you register for this exam, you have 7 days to complete it.
  • If you don't pass an exam, you can take it again after 14 days.
  • If you don't pass a second time, you must wait 60 days before you can take it a third time.
  • If you don't pass the third time, you must wait a year before taking it again.
  • Payment is required each time you take an exam.
  • Individuals with certification may publicize their status with their personalized certificate and badge.
  • This certification is valid for 36 months.
  • Recertification exam can be retaken 30 days prior to or up to 60 days after the 36-month renewal date.
Note- EdTechTeam may provide exam vouchers free of charge for some bootcamps. Please see workshop cost details. 

Google's Training Center Curriculum
Participants of the EdTechTeam certification bootcamp workshop can choose to complete Google's free training courses. This is optional and not required to participate in the bootcamp.

Each unit has multiple sections with practice activities and end of unit review questions centered around “What will you learn?”“What (Google) products we’ll cover”, and “What skills you will need.” By reading, watching videos, and doing activities, you’ll learn strategies for integrating Google in your classroom. You can start and stop lessons at any time. Your progress will be tracked through the course.

Google Certified Educator Level 1 Program
> Fundamentals Training Course
> 13 Units
> Organized into three themes:
  • Professional Growth and Leadership
  • Efficiency and Saving Time 
  • Facilitating and Inspiring Student Learning and Creativity 
Google Certified Educator Level 2 Program 
> Advanced Training Course
> 9 Units
> Organized into three themes:
  • Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
  • Increase Efficiency and Save Time
  • Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Note: All registrations are final and non-refundable but transferable.
Please contact [email protected] for more information. There are no refunds for no shows.